共同工作空間 Co-working Space

Flexible co-public space provides a good starting point to local or foreign entrepreneurs who work for Macau's creative industries.

主要配套 Major service components

* 每間獨立空間內設5個創業UNIT共享,使用時間為中心辦公時段 * 5 units share in 1 independent Service Studio during cCentre's office hour
* 共享萬呎公共空間 * Over 10,000 square ft common area
* 提供時尚 / 專業設計之辦公桌及辦公椅一套 * Provide basic / professional working furniture set
簡約時尚裝潢 Modern interior design
燈光照明設備 Lighting facility
獨立冷氣設備 Individual air conditioning
影印、打印、掃瞄設備提供 Copying machine, printer and scanner facility
前台接待服務 Front desk reception service
辦公時間免費光纖寬頻設備 Office hrs free Broadband facility
免費使用開放式會議區 Use of Open meeting area for free
免費使用休閒區 Free use of Leisure area
免費提供茶、水、咖啡 Free tea, water and coffee
免繳交管理費 Exemption of estate management fee
公共領域24小時保安及監控 24 hrs public surveillance and security on pubic area
一條專線電話及Panasonic 專業電話一部 Individual fixed line with 1 professional Panasonic phone
獨立傳真電話線 Individual fax line
多功能小型會議室免費預約使用 (2-4小時/月) Free booking for conference room (2-4 hrs / month)
工作室清潔服務 Studio cleaning service
每年申報所得補充稅(B組)費用 Annual Complementary tax declaration fee (Group B)
專業秘書電話接線服務 Professional secretarial hotline service
專業秘書會議服務 Professional secretarial meeting service
多媒體品牌會議室免費預約使用,含技術員 (2小時/月) Free booking for Multimedia branding conference room (2 hrs, with technician)


詳細服務內容,請與我們聯繫。 Please contact us for further details. 
Email: info@ccentre.com.mo 
Tel: +853 2852 0707 
Fax: +853 2852 0304