展示區 Product-show area

We also provide a Product-show area where our clients are able to showcase their products and suitable for different events and activities, boosting the public exposure of brands and companies.

配套設備 / Equipment:

  • 台階 Stage
  • 80吋電視屏幕 80in TV Screen
  • 電腦 Computer
  • 專業音響系統 Professional audio system
  • 無線麥克風 Microphones
  • 無線網絡 Wifi network
  • 講台 Podium
  • 桌子 Desks
  • 座椅 Seats
  • 活動指示牌 Signage

額外設備 / Extra Equipment:

  • 手提電腦 Notebook
  • 專業視像會議系統
    Professional video conference system

立即預約 / Take Action