工作室 Studio 012
Mei I Sin 和 Debbie Sin熱愛一切與手作有關的事與物,對皮藝及皮雕尤其興趣濃厚,曾跟隨香港、台灣及日本的皮雕老師學藝,其後成立Mi Leather工作室,致力皮革及皮雕工藝的鑽研、創作及推廣。二人一直是澳門創意園、澳門旅遊學院的皮革及皮雕課程導師。
Mei I Sin and Debbie Sin share a strong love towards all the things and objects that are handcrafted and they have a keen interest on leather art and leather carving. They learned their skills from leather carving teachers in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan having then established Mi Leather, dedicated to the research, creation and promotion of leather goods and the leather carving process. They have served as the leather and leather carving instructors at 10 Fantasia and IFT.